Learning Topics Linear regression Central methods in ML The concept of classification problem through graph
Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) K-Means Characteristics Cluster centers can be arbitrary points in space
K-means Clustering Overview K-means clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm. It tries to aggregate
Clustering in Network Analysis Finding Groups in Network Communities When given a dataset, finding groups i
Overview Unsupervised learning algorithms use different distance or similarity/dissimilarity measures betwe
Crypto No doubt that almost every young person in the world knows crypto now. But lots of people in tech se
今天我在看我在一个VM机器上搭建的公共服务status的时候看到这个服务down了。我一开始还以为只是进程的问题。但是没想到甚至连VM都连不上。 这种时候我只能去VM提供商的控制面板来看能不能进VNC。但是我发现V
The BEST SIM Card/VPN when traveling to China Background: I am Chinese but I study in Canada, I started my
本文纯属在我的环境下操作。每个系统有不同的环境,请仅作参考。 在我前几天登上一台很久没有用过的 Ubuntu VPS 的时候发现还是使用的密码登录,为了让我的登录更安全,我使用了一键从 Github 拉取公钥的 s
When my Dad is trying to transfer me money from China to Canada, the receptionist at the Bank of China aske